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(static) createFormTree
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similar to html.createFormHTML, except we're not building an HTML string, we're building a DOM-like (e.g. (P)React) tree of content.
The options object should take the following form:
create: function,
footer: string,
label: function,
skipDebug: boolean,
disabled: boolean,
inputHandler: { function },
TODO: write the rest of the docs here, explaining how each of these options affect code generation.
(static) createFormTreeComponents
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similar to html.createTableHTML, except we're not building an HTML string, we're building a DOM-like (e.g. (P)React) tree of content.
(static) createTableTreeRows
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similar to html.createTableRowHTML, except we're not building an HTML string, we're building am array of DOM-like (e.g. (P)React) nods, mapping to table rows.